Bao Mai, Heart and Uterus Connection


The heart and the uterus communicate with each other via the Bao Mai which literally translates to “Uterus Vessel”. Every month blood comes down from the heart through the Bao Mai and settles in the uterus, allowing the uterus potential to nourish an embryo. The Bao Mai must be open and unimpeded for menstruation and conception to occur. If this link is disrupted women can experience PMS symptoms in addition to irregular menstrual cycles and subfertility. How does this disruption occur? Stress and emotional upheavals are both the cause and effect of a blockage in the Bao Mai.

When we look at this practically, it makes intuitive sense. Most women have experienced the consequences of a Bao Mai blockage. For example, almost universally, women find their PMS gets worse in times of increased stress and pressure. Also, many women have had the experience of missing a period due to emotional duress.

The wisdom of Chinese medicine tells us that both the heart and the uterus are intimately connecting and that the healthy functioning of one depends on the other.

While we in the West are just starting to understand the relationship between moods and hormonal shifts, these concepts were outlined in Chinese medical texts thousands of years ago. These books describe the connection between emotional states and hormonal balance as the relationship between the heart and the uterus. Rather than the brain being the organ that determines behavior, in Chinese medical theory, this is the heart’s domain.The written Chinese language is comprised of characters which are essentially simplified pictures. The characters for the heart protector and the uterus are almost identical. The difference is that the character for uterus encompasses the concept of “flesh”. As the Heart pumps blood, the uterus also rhythmically fills and empties with blood. The heart beat indicates the surging of life, while the uterus is where life grows and is protected. Thus, the uterus functions as a woman’s second heart.

Every woman knows (and most men if they know what’s good for them) that emotional states are tied to hormonal fluctuations. The most commonly talked about example of this is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). First documented in the 1930’s, PMS is a complex syndrome encompassing hundreds of possible physical and psychological symptoms. These can occur anywhere from a few days to two weeks prior to the onset of menses. Common emotional symptoms include: irritability, depression, anxiety, mood swings and sleep disturbances. While up to one third of menstruating women experience PMS, it is estimated that 20% of reproductive aged women have moderate to severe PMS. Common Western treatments to reduce PMS symptoms such as the birth control pill and antidepressants are geared towards hormonal and brain chemistry stabilization.


The Bao Mai, channel/vessel, which connects our essential two hearts: one in the Heart 4th chakra, the Heart, and one in the Sacral 2nd chakra. Stress and emotional upheavals are both the cause and effect of a blockage in the Bao Mai, as well as:

• feelings of disconnection from Spirit/Divine Source, self, and others

• shock, emotional pain and numbness in the sexual and emotional centre

• a loss of knowing of your own wholeness, causing co-dependency in relationships

• unresolved emotional residue and feelings of betrayal and abandonment

• disappointment in self or others

• inability to connect sexually and lovingly

• disconnection from creativity

Treatment is beneficial:

• assisting both men and women to restore their heart connection to their creative (womb) centre, bringing support to reconnect to the Heart of Love.

• bringing spiritual comfort, assistance and healing for unresolved issues of separation from Self and Divine Source

Women- may finally be pregnant with their biological children once the Bao Mai is reconnected – it is an energy pathway and can’t nourish the uterus well when broken. We may know of (or be that one) women with grief from reproductive and life wounds: who were ’barren’ until given a baby to adopt – then they are pregnant with their own child as a gift from their reconnected body!!

Men- who may have been so hurt emotionally now may not feel or maintain a vigorous sex life until they go into the place that they have deep wounds to address and work through the gifts of these (the Fisher King mythology). Maintain the baby-mother connections at all stages of the childs life, and release the fear that orthodox medicine thrives on. Please do not stay in sorrow – do not let the love and true you come undone. Release All addictions for they are self soothing behaviors.

Leaving space for the mystery

While it’s essential to understand how this is affecting physiology day to day, there is also a layer of mystery around this sacred interplay. This is present in Chinese medicine but also extends into other traditions.

The womb is a place of energetic transformation, a place for bringing spirit into form and a fertile void for the dreams and stirrings of the heart. This is true regardless if your physical womb is present or not, if you’re still menstruating or have long passed menopause.

The mystery is living in each of us and those with a womb space have a certain ability to alchemize and re-create the future that we long for. Whether that means growing a child, building a business, creating beauty, cultivating land or many other possible dreams and seeds that need the fertile landscape of the womb to reach maturation.

The first step to tending to this sacred connection is diving within your own felt experience of it, holding the possibility that much will be revealed if you are willing to listen. If that feels challenging or you’re not sure what exactly I’m speaking to, please reach out for some additional support. I’m here for you.

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