We are in a time of the primal eruption of the wounding of the feminine by the feminine. This is a much deeper wound that that of the patriarchal energies oppressing the matriarchal energies. This is something we don't hear often. It is happening all around us. Women who are embodied and comfortable in themselves are demonized, triggering other women. This is a very deep wound, as one of the shadows of sexual wounding, besides repression by the opposite sex. Sexual wounding is one of the biggest shadow wounds of our time. We are in such a pivotal point in our spiritual evolution almost coming to a crescendo, this oppression and repression by women. Most women still relate to the higher patriarchal power structure.
Women seek to reclaim the feminine, recall and celebrate its majesty. Two aspects of the feminine is divided into the mother virgin and the whore. The time is upon us to heal the inner world that is polarized between the two, especially the shadow, unconsciously represented who are embodying patriarchal energies of the mother virgin. Women can hold all aspects of femininity and heal the split-off of her own feminine power, be free from the shackles of deeply wounded daughters of the patriarchy. We can chose to begin to heal this through our awareness and start on the road to heal the Sacred Union of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within.
The courage to dive deep into the dark places in spite of it looking pretty. It is within this deep energetic place of incubation that one can facilitate cellular clearance. Our collective has been healing over the past year. The lower chakra purges occurring at a deep cellular level which have been shown as areas within we are holding trauma, deep feminine wounds relating to the womb and feminine parts. This template has been placed to diminish and inhibit matriarchal wisdom and the continuation of ancient feminine mysteries for gifts in particular the capacity to serve collectively.
There are some women upholding the structures that keeps women oppressed, who relate to this patriarchal power struggle, working against the energies and teachings of the feminine. These women are triggered by those who are fully embodied liberated women. Those who second and third chakra are are shut down. Their energy is not sovereign and autonomous. This toxicity affects both men and women, and some women consciously/unconciously support it. You may come across these women, they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing who refuse to see her own shadow. Do not interact, and if you do, she is hooked on being perfect. These false friendships/women is sabotaging to the work with women, of women. It is trickery and betrayal. These women may not know she has trickster energy. The people these women attract are also unwilling to look at their shadow. This hard shell… its not pretty.
Women are the chalices that hold the sweet nectar of ascending into this new lighter paradigm, if we should chose with our intention and free will. Each of us has the power to shift and realign with the heart as we let go, forgive, ask for forgiveness and move through our collective grief to our seat of personal power within the heart of love. The sacred door to expanded experiences is through love. It is love that invokes the divine. Next level healing;
~ To heal the wound imprints of our conception/birthing of new energies/ideas
~ To have healed the spiritual, emotional & physical wounds of other timelines
~ To educate & raise children with love, play and joy – not control
~ To heal addictions/negative patterns from our core wound
~ To unite the masculine & feminine within & without
~ To bring DM/DF together in bonding & Sacred Union
~ To return the wisdom teachings of Sacred Sexuality
~ To return the wisdom teachings of Womb Awakening
~ To remember & awaken the blessing of Shamanic Menstruation
~ To awaken the Sexual Energetic Gateways of ALL humans
~ To heal & awaken the physical body to become a Chalice of Light
~ To open our physical, feeling and psychic pathways to Divine Love
~ To rebirth the Feminine Arts of healing, herbs, dance, song, magic
~ To remember & honor Conscious Conception & Conscious Death
~ To feel & be At-One with both Creator & Creation